Ban Toxic Chemical Killing Endangered Indian Vultures

  • por: Nyack Clancy
  • destinatário: India Ministry of Environment and Forests, Mr. Hem Kumar Pande

The Indian vulture, slender-billed vulture and Asian white-backed vulture are all Critically Endangered with population declines between 97 and 99.9%, while other types of vultures are listed as threatened or endangered.

The dramatic population crashes are as a result of ingesting the cattle drug, diclofena. Farmers started to administer it to their livestock as a painkiller in the 1990's and is often given to animals close to death. Vultures scavenge the carcasses, and are killed in days from diclofenac poisoning.

We ask the Indian government to ban the use of diclofena on cattle, and save the vulture from extinction.


Mr. Hem Kumar Pande
Joint Secretary
Ministry of Environment and Forests
Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, Room No. 627
New Delhi, Delhi - 110003
Tel: + 24 36 2551
Fax: 011 24 36 0894

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