Employer CANNOT work employees 7 days a week continuosly without a day off!

Corporations are working employees 7 days a week in order to achieve the high volumes of output. The employers make it mandatory for employees to work 7 days a week continuously until all shipments are complete. Employees have no choice but to continually work everyday, sometimes for months and months, in order to sustain their job. This is unethical, unsafe, and extremely frustrating for the employee. The employee spends everyday at work leaving no time with family nor any REST.

We, the employees agree that after you work one full week, 7 days (40 hours Mon-Frid) + (Sat & Sun ) you should have the option to work the next weekend. This should be the employees choice and the employer would have to ask for volunteers after the person has worked one full week of 40 hours (Mon-Frid) + Saturday & Sunday - 8 hours each day. 

Employers should be restricted by law to work employees 7 days a week ongoing without a day off at the end of the second week! If the employee wants to work ongoing it can be okay as long as they are NOT forced a mandatory demand by the employer. It would then be the employees CHOICE !

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