Bring FEMA Trailers To Staten Island

  • por: George Nickel
  • destinatário: Staten Island, New Yorrk Borough President, James Molinaro

The Borough President James Molinaro asked the "Victims" of Sandy what they wanted at a Town Hall Meeting and the majority responded, "FEMA Trailers". To date even though President Obama promised to cut "red tape" to help NYC,however, our BP rather use the "red tape" arguement (placement of trailers, hook ups, FEMA regulations) to stop the FEMA Trailers from being set up on Staten Island.
Four reasons we need these trailers now:
 1-NYC Heath Official Stated Indoor Air Quality due to mold and dust as being     a hazard in the homes people are staying in to rebuild.
 2- Winter is Coming!
 3- Be in a place to call home for the holidays
 4- The "Victims" have requested the FEMA Trailers

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