Alaska Zoo Grizzly Bear Negligence

  • por: Amy Smith
  • destinatário: President David Brown and The Board of Directors

Although most of the Alaska Zoo was relaxing and peaceful, my husband and I saw an extremely sad sight. The two grizzly bears were in high distress, without water to play within their habitat, let alone natural (or man made rivers) to enjoy as a natural brown bear's instinct craves. I would not consider a small creek tucked away in the corner, partially running through their cage adequate enough for the full grown bears to enjoy. It should be expanded into a fully functioning creek that runs completely through their exhibit. Although there is a small pool, it was as dry as the concrete it's made of. No forest for any comfort except for a couple of dead pine trees in their empty cage. The male bear was not pacing but rocking back and forth with his front feet, looking confused as if he didn't know what to do. He then started digging slowly as if his instincts are trying to keep up in this heartbreaking habitat these wonderful grizzlys don't deserve!!! Her and her stressed out mate deserve more then dirt...they deserve water to play in, trees to hide in, a river to flow through their to enjoy. We are not asking for perfection but we would like to see much needed improvement.
We request that the board immediately reallocate funds to reconstruct the grizzly bears exhibit into a natural habitat.
They need an environment that allows continues physical and mental health stimulation. These are highly intelligent animals that deserve adequate conditions to fulfill their behavioral needs and comfort to peacefully exist in captivity. These animals have no voice so we are the only ones they can rely on. So I ask for you to please sign my petition so we can give these amazing bears the life they've never had but deserve to the fullest.

Atualização #18 anos atrás
The Alaska Zoo is talking about recreating the brown bears habitat according to a recent post on their Facebook site. I have a letter I will send to them tomorrow in hopes to end this petition. I want everyone to know, in no way we are bashing the AK Zoo, we just want a better habitat for our brown bears! They deserve this! Thank you for the support and I will keep you updated...
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