Say NO to Fur Clothes, Say NO to El Vizon!

  • por: Bristena M
  • destinatário: El Vizon Targu-Mures

Another store of furs, more innocent animals killed, more lives destroyed for clothes and for useless caprices.

In Targu-Mures, a town in Romania, a store of fur clothes, named El Vizon, has opened. Fur clothes are a horrible thing, animals were killed for them. Now we want a better future. For animals and for us. Because animals make us humans.

If we work together, we can close El Vizon from Targu-Mures. It will be a small step, but a good start for a world without cruelty.

Please, demand an end to fur clothes! Close El Vizon!

Atualização #16 anos atrás
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