What is Honda's Policy Governing Flag Flying?

  • por: Erica Hui
  • destinatário: Honda Senior Management

The flags we have always flown outside Building 100 represent our Country and State. They represent and include ALL of us working for Honda at this campus. We are all citizens of this Country and this State, just as we are all employees of this Company.

It is not a political issue or statement. If anything, it is a statement of "inclusion." We all have very different beliefs, politics, and principles. These only divide us when we insist that everyone shares or espouses them.

Many of us don't share the ideology or principles currently on display with the rainbow flag. It represents a small minority within the Company rather than all of the employees. To begin using the flag to highlight individual groups invites division and strife. Now that this practice has begun, as a Company embraces "inclusion", should Honda give the same treatment to the other groups with their individual ideologies, beliefs, and political motivations?

We request that the Company shares with all employees this new policy of flying special interest flags. As indicated above, every flag has its special meaning and deserves all respect from everyone working for Honda. We are eager to learn about the new policy.

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