Two Brothers Ran a Dirty, Torment-Filled Puppy Mill in the UK, and Dogs Died

Two brothers in the U.K. set up a puppy mill business, only for customers to discover the animals in their care had been subjected to "unimaginable misery." The worst part? Apparently one brother had already done the same thing several years before in Northern Ireland, before setting up shop anew after he was convicted on animal cruelty charges there.

These men should never be allowed access to animals again!

During the pandemic, the brothers recognized that many people - isolated indoors and needing companionship - were looking to adopt pets. So they started to sell puppies for high prices, often ranging from £1,000 to £2,000. 

But the people who adopted these animals quickly realized something was wrong.

In one case, a man discovered his puppy was fatigued, battling diarrhea, and infected with a virus. According to veterinarians: the pup's illnesses were caused by experiencing "unnecessary suffering" at the puppy mill. The vets sadly determined that it was unlikely the little dog would recover, and recommended he euthanize his pet in order to prevent further pain.

When the man contacted the breeders on Facebook about this, not only did they refuse to respond or take any accountability - they actually blocked him outright.

In court, both men pled guilty to animal cruelty against 11 dogs, and they've both been banned from owning animals for the next 10 years. But one of the brothers already faced that same punishment in Northern Ireland and it didn't stop them. 

They must be banned from living with, owning, or working with animals ever again! Sign the petition now!
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