Investigate Animal Abuse in Romania and Punish Abusers; The Only Way to Stop the Cruelty!!

  • por: SUE LEE
  • destinatário: Romania Government Officials

Please sign and share this petition worldwide to stop all the animal abuse present in Romania and other worldwide countries.  There have been recent reports of a litter of puppies wrapped in a blanket and set on fire; a dog roaming the streets with its jaw hacked off; Cats found at the bottom of an apartment block, spines snapped, just to name a few of the incidents brought to the attention of authorities.  However, nothing has been done and no one has been held accountable for any of these cases of animal cruelty.

With all the animal cruelty cases and animals tossed on the streets, becoming feral, humans have become endangered from animal attacks, like that of a young boy, mauled by feral dogs.  The problem in Romania stems from weak animal laws and people still grapple with the trauma of a brutal communist regime, and anger builds over economic misery and government incompetence.  

When a dog kills a child, people think that animals should be punished, but this leads to aggression against animals, particularly as people are not afraid of the laws.  People tend to feel freely about hurting and torturing animals for no particular cause.  Many animals are feral on the streets due to neglect, and they are left to fend for themselves, often causing harm to a human.  It is a vicious cycle because the laws are so lax and no one takes any of them seriously.  

A spokesman for the Four Paws Animal Welfare groups states that animal lovers protest a law to euthanize all stray dogs rather than catch them and make an attempt to socialize and protect them. He says that "not everyone is a scoundrel. The problem is the media influence which is manipulative and animal haters then have the courage to be cruel."

Laws need to be implemented and strongly enforced to stop the animal abuse and cruelty in Romania and other EU countries.  If laws were more stringent regarding the care and treatment of animals, fewer feral animals would be walking the streets and putting humans in danger.  Please sign and share this petition worldwide to stop all the animal abuse present in Romania and other worldwide countries. 

Romania Government Officials - You need to implement stricter laws against animal abuse and cruelty so that so many animals will not be tossed out on the streets to become feral and dangerous.  Those who abuse animals like in recent cases needs to be found and held accountable for their actions.  You have some laws in place but don't enforce them, allowing for cruelty, abuse and neglect among your people!

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