• por: Karole Strowd
  • destinatário: Head of McDonald's, WWF, UN General Secretary, President United Nations

I, the undersigned, wish to petition against the brutal treatment of chickens used in McDonald’s edibles. On Wednesday when I went for lunch, as a regular customer of the fast food chain, get astonished after seeing protesters outside the restaurant at South Washington Avenue.

An animal rights activist group reported that the chickens are being abused and beaten before cooking. They captured a hidden camera movie about all this victimization of innocent birds. It is very painful to think that the chickens which you are eating, were actually maltreated first, suffered and then cooked according to your desired taste. How could one eat it up? I saw some protesters held signs of chickens which were mishandled violently. This is a moral corruption entirely.

Therefore, I implore the famous fast food chain to cease their contract immediately with the chicken supplier company Tyson Foods which is allegedly involved in this brutal handling of innocent birds.

Karole Strowd - Animal Activist and Media Consultant for Bankruptcy Lawyer San Diego.

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