Artificial intelligence is harassment in "false forms"

    It's late, and I'm trying to sleep, but I have an interesting idea regarding artificial intelligence. I know a lot of people say that artificial intelligence is here to stay, but I believe: that doesn't necessarily mean "it has to." I say this as someone who has survived the many trivial things about it. So, rather than trying to either ignore it or not get involved with it, I have a better idea. Because the adult porn industry has probably invested millions if not billions of dollars into it. We should treat it no differently than human interactive situations. If you see an ad report it as offensive, or as not applicable to you. AI has become a new form of sexual harassment and it needs to be dealt with no differently than if we were experiencing harassment in real life. And reporting it is only one way of solving it. The other thing is to ask the government to divest from AI in almost all it's forms except with AI search engines like chatGPT and things that serve as a resource rather than as "entertainment." Therefore I'm going to publish this idea to the top petition site care2 and see if we can put a stop to this runaway freight train before it wreaks havoc on more people. Who knows? Maybe it could lessen the situations in wars as well.
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