Stop forcing my child to be vaccinated.fighting full child and I are victims

updating new information about my case.  I have 1 daughter that will be turning 8 years old December 20,2014..  We still have beenh cyber bullied by different residenst in Missouri.  The Judge. Angela vorhees has been conflicted since the day  I meet her. That year was 2016. I have been to courts over this muiltiple times.  It all started 2016.  I have been representing myself since 2016.. I had an appointment with an attorney in Joplin Missouri and I had to reschduke for personal reasons.  I been emotinal distressed and grieving in these hard times.  The courts have explotited and caused so much corruption.. I was dealing with homelesss for a long time. I feel like  I been descrimnated in Missouri.  I hope there still hope

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