Boris Johnson came to power in December 2019 promising a ''one nation Tories''. He gained the popular vote by promising to rejuvenate the forgotten-towns in the north of England. Many of those towns were long-held Labour voting constituencies. It is no coincidence that many of those same towns voted to leave the EU, for a multitude of grievances.

Mr.Johnson will be aware that those forgotten towns are populated by the lower classes whose daily drudgery consists of eeking out a living to avoid abject poverty. They do not enjoy the luxuries of the 'Metropolitan Elite'. Mr Johnson's Tory cohorts both in parliament and elsewhere enjoy a louche-lifestyle of wealth and privilege that gives them elitist pursuits.

One such pursuit is foxhunting. It has always been a province of the wealthy and powerful elite. Many hunters are professionals from the judiciary, parliamentarians, captains of industry, senior ranking police and officers in the armed forces. Foxhunting is an expensive past-time and is especial to the well-heeled. It attracts lickspittles from the lower classes wishing to curry-favour in a misplaced effort to 'better themselves'.

In general, the consensus of the British people wants to see an end to foxhunting. The 'Countryside Alliance' with its minority of bloodthirsty killers hold-sway over local authorities, the police, and the CPS. Without a doubt, there is a level of corruption taking place with turning-a-blind-eye to lawbreaking which is graphically illustrated by numerous films of the various hunts' criminal activities.

Despite the anecdotal evidence, prosecutions have been risible with derisory sentences handed-out. The latest odious pair to walk from court after being convicted of Wildlife Crime is Paul Oliver and Hannah Rose, having been convicted of feeding live fox cubs to hounds. Their sentences were derisory. Conversely, the lower classes are often convicted of hunting hare, rabbit and are imprisoned. It's nothing more than favouritism of the elite, or in this case, the lackeys.

If you are going to close the divide between us-and-them it has to be socially structured and not sound-bites promising money for hospitals and education. You are recorded claiming ''hunting foxes is not the same as animal welfare and it has been going on for thousands of years''. You made that speech to the ICA. Your views send the wrong signals to your hunting colleagues. They may well feel untouchable with you on board as a talisman.

Hunting animals with dogs is a crime under the 2004 Hunting Act. It is lawbreaking. It is not minor lawbreaking, animals are mutilated and anti-hunt protesters are violently attacked while the police watch. If lawbreaking in this manner is overlooked because the wealthy elite has politicians and the police in their pocket, it follows no one else will respect the law. Or at least those that want to ignore the law. Most lawbreakers will not enjoy the protection of the police, the CPS or parliament.

I'm calling on you to invoke the Hunting Act with orders to arrest the hunts and their lickspittles (terrier men) and private security teams. To ban any congregating of horses and hounds with persons blowing horns and wearing fancy dress. I urge you to ban 'drag' and 'trail' hunting. These are nothing more than a masquerade that enables foxes, hares, deer, and domestic companion animals to be mutilated. Hunting is outdated and a sadistic employer of the craven and gormless anachronistic inbreds that derive a warped pleasure from animal suffering.

We are living in the 21st century but the law is befitting of the Dark Ages, feudalism, serfdom and peasantry where the wealthy rode roughshod over the poor without fear of impunity or reproach.

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