Reject any Republican birth control restrictions!

  • por: OD Action
  • destinatário: Biden administration

We knew the GOP wasn't going to stop at banning abortion, but now it's clear that they won't stop until everything and anything that gives a woman control over her reproductive system is banned.

Donald Trump has just announced that he's "looking at" contraceptive restrictions and promised that he would be sharing a contraception policy "very shortly." "We're looking at that, and I'm going to have a policy on that very shortly and I think it's something that you'll find interesting," said Trump to a local Pittsburgh radio station. "You will find it very smart. I think it's a smart decision."

Reject any GOP restrictions on contraception, no matter what they are!

Any kind of contraception restriction would be an outrageous and wildly regressive rolling back of the clock to the bad old days, stripping women of their right to control their reproductive cycles and leaving millions of women forced into unwanted pregnancies.

"It's not enough for Trump that women's lives are being put at risk, doctors are being threatened with jail time, and extreme bans are being enacted with no exceptions for rape or incest," said Biden campaign spokesperson Sarafina Chitika said in the statement. "He wants to rip away our freedom to access birth control too."

While Trump walked back his statement later, we know he can't be trusted — and we know that the people who will staff his administration DEFINITELY want to ban contraception. We need to take action NOW to make sure nobody can ever take that away from us. 

Reject any GOP contraception restrictions!

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