Organic Farmers vs. Monsanto

  • por: Jack Adam Weber
  • destinatário: Organic Farmers and Seed Groups (OSGATA)

Dear Organic Farmers and Seed Growers (OSGATA),  

Thank you for filing an appeal and continuing to stand up for Organic food!

We support your right and honor to grow clean, healthy food for us without the threat of being sued and bullied for inadvertent GMOs polluting your crops.

Thank you for growing our food and promoting sustainability despite the hardships and costs to you. Many of us have pledged our time, money, and energy to Organics and to protest the genetic engineering of our foods, and we’ll continue to do whatever we can. We are in this together and we thank you again. Good luck and kick some GMO!

*All signers, please consider the following:

1) Please join GEM (GMO Eradication Movement) on Facebook:

2) Read original Heartfelt Letter petition on WakeUpWorld and sign here:

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