WE, the family of 16 year old murdered victim Jackie Lunn and his Mother Joyce, who was permanently disabled from her wounds (Both physically & mentally), PLED for YOUR HELP to PROTEST the Parole of the person who committed these violent crimes. Years of abuse, stalking, cycles of violence, and harassment towards our family proceeded the shootings. Violence arrived in the early morning hours of October 3, 1990 when Allen Crawford walked through the woods with his loaded 12 gauge shot gun intending to kill Joyce Dempsey. Crawford kicked open the front door of her house and shot Joyce first from behind. The slug went in her back and out her upper torso. The impact dropped her to the floor. Joyce screamed for her sleeping son, Jackie, to get help. Crawford then headed to Jackie's room. Dazed from being woken up Jackie never had a chance. Allen Crawford shot Jackie in the chest and killing this young boy instantly infront of his
horrified, wounded, bloody mother. An image that haunted her daily for over 33 years! In January of 2024 we unexpectedly lost our beloved Joyce when she died unexpectedly. For his heinous crimes Crawford was sentenced to 23 years to Life in prison. He is up for parole in January 2025. Allen Crawford is an evil person with bad intentions. Parole is the early release of a prisoner who agrees to abide by the conditions. Make NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT - this murderer WILL NOT ABIDE BY ANY conditions! The risk of Allen Crawford to reoffend is too high to let him out. Crawford will become agitated and stressed that will be increased; then he will be a high risk to Our family, and society. A decision to let this criminal out would be a dangerous and irresponsible action. It is time to speak up and make your voices be heard. Interested individuals can sign this online petition calling on the Ohio Parole Board to DENY Allen Crawford Parole. This cold blooded murderer needs to remain behind bars. In signing this petiton we have the opportunity to remind the Ohio Parole Board that we expect them to prioritize public safety and justice in any and every decision. They need to keep Allen Crawford behind bars where he belongs! He has NO regard for human life. The heinous, cold blooded murder of Jackie Lunn, the violent shooting of Joyce, the multiple crimes committed, past history of violence against the family should recluse any consideration of parole. Allen Crawford has sentenced OUR family to a lifetime of grief and sorrow with NO parole. There is No relief from the pain, emptiness and grief. Please help Keep this murderer behind bars! Your prayers for our family are deeply appreciated.
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