Save Orca Family

  • por: Save Orca Family
  • destinatário: Mr. Hisamoto Kizo, Mayor of Kobe, Kobe City Council

Suma Aqualife Park in Japan, scheduled to open in early 2024, is planning an orca show. Reportedly, one or more of the four orcas currently at another facility will be transferred to the park.

The four orcas are related. Three are sisters, while the fourth orca is the daughter of one of them. Since orcas are among the most intelligent, social mammals in the world, with close family relationships and bonds that last a lifetime, separating the group is sure to be extremely traumatic and cruel. Imagine if your own sister or your daughter was taken away and sent somewhere else, never to be seen again, and you get an idea about what those orcas may experience.

The details of the transfer are not yet known, but it seems clear that the Suma Aqualife Park will keep orcas (and dolphins) and use them for shows. We strongly oppose this plan.

Throughout the world, the keeping of whales and dolphins in captivity is being challenged and, in many jurisdictions, it has been prohibited. Japan should join with these other progressive jurisdictions in protecting whales, dolphins and other wildlife from commercial exploitation in entertainment shows.

(photo: orca show at a Japanese private aquarium)

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