Stop Pet stores like Petsmart and reptiles by mack from selling live animals. by: Makenzie Kazarian

  • por: Makenzie K
  • destinatário: The President of Petsmart and reptiles by mack can change this.

Please watch the video at the top.

From the moment these reptiles and small animals are born they are doomed. They are stolen from their habit and then transported in horrific conditions. During transportation they become malnourished due to improper feeding and erroneous temperature and humidity. By the time these helpless reptiles arrive the stores they often show signs of stress due to overwhelmed cages. These conditions consist of cages with 35-70 animals covered in muck with lack of food or water. These animals have to fight for what little food if given any. Eventually these animals get wacked, put in a bag of carbon dioxide or thrown in a freezer to die a slow painful death. We need to work together to stop animal cruelty.

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