57+ Dogs Massacred in Arkansas-FORGOTTEN?

  • por: Dea Ibarra
  • destinatário: Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson
These dogs were taken out to the woods, shot and left to die.
I have spoken with Searcy County Sheriff Joey Pruitt and three weeks after the massacre not one tip has come in and they don't seem to be actively searching for leads.
Searcy County Humane Society explained their main concern is for the FIVE survivors. They said the murders are being investigated by the people from Little Rock, AR.

Meanwhile, the trail is growing cold and the murderers are still out there, able to continue committing atrocities. People that torture and kill animals are more likely to abuse and kill humans. These criminals have mothers, spouses and children that can be in danger until these monsters are apprehended.

Please take action and ask Governor Hutchinson to make catching these criminals a top priority. By signing, you will also be asking Governor Hutchinson to insist on the harshest sentences for these hardened murderers .
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