Save the Bison Sentenced to Death for Goring a Woman Who Was Taking a Selfie!!!!

Hello 👋,

 Recently, at Yellowstone National Park, USA, a bison gored a 72-year old woman who got too close to the animal in order to take a selfie. The bison gave her warning signs, but she carried on coming closer, getting with 10 feet multiple times, and trying to touch the bison, in order to get a selfie 🤳.

 The bison was acting as the wild animal that he/she is. Yet, when wild animals and people come into conflict, it can often end with the animal being put to death.

 Bison are/were critically endangered, nearly being brought to extinction by people who would shoot them from trains as they were driving through bison herds. They then recovered at least to a certain extent. Bison are a vital part of US National Parks' ecosystems, and draw in tourists to the parks.

 We must ensure that the bison is not put to death because of this. This bison does not deserve to die and should not need to die...

 Thank you 😊.

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