Justice for Pataud : a poor dog killed in the street in front of his owner in France

  • por: Gaelle Chave
  • destinatário: The President of the French Republic, Mr François Hollande

Please, people from the USA or anywhere in the world, help us to make French auhtorities aware that it is a real crime to kill an animal and that it must be punished with years in prison! A woman was just walking to her place with her two dogs. One of the dogs, Pataud aged 13, barked at a man and was then savagely assaulted by this guy. Pataud was beaten to death and nobody in the street tried to do something to help him or his owner who escaped to her flat and locked herself inside. In France, animals are considered as "furniture", this is the law and the police is often reluctant to do what should be done when an animal is killed or tortured. It is time to change this and to provide animals in France real rights as living creatures and protect them from such barbarous acts. People who are able to kill a poor dog like Pataud know they can do that again and again because they won't face heavy charges for this horrible crime.

On the picture : the door where Pataud was litteraly crushed, just look at the impact..

So please, by signing this petition, you will help people who care for animals in France to be heard and seen by the authorities to make sure this kind of stories never happen again.

Thanks to you all!


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