Innocent Ducks Don't Deserve this

  • por: Essie Luckett
  • destinatário: Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews

Set out below is the petition I intend to send to Mr Andrews if I get sufficient signatures to make it viable so would appreciate your support thank you
Dear Premier Andrews
Despite the barbaric ‘sport’ of duck shooting having been banned in Queensland, WA and NSW being deemed as extreme cruelty, I am shocked to learn that you are allowing it to continue happening in your State.
Apart from the damage this will do to precious wetlands, I wonder if you are aware

• that the 1 in 4 birds who aren't killed instantly are left to suffer and die from splintered wings, shattered bills, fractured legs or pellets lodged in their eyes and vital organs and are considered nothing more than collateral damage of this 'recreational activity'.
• that terrified orphaned ducklings are left to fend for themselves.

There’s enough barbarity and unkindness in this world already without encouraging more and I would hope to hear that you too, as an enlightened and compassionate Premier, have done all in your power to have this cruel event banned forever in your State also. How can something which causes pain and suffering to another living creature be classified as sport?

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