It's Illegal to Kill Grizzly Bears. This Railroad Company Has Been Doing It Anyway.

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: U.S. federal agencies
Grizzly bears are an iconic species - and they're federally protected due to being a threatened species in the U.S. But that hasn't stopped greedy railroad companies from allowing trains to kill these vulnerable bears, right on the tracks. That is not only immoral - it's also illegal.

Sign the petition to demand federal agencies hold these railroad corporations accountable!

BNSF is a major railroad company in the U.S., and its business operates in an important habitat for grizzly bears, deep inside the state of Montana. Its tracks cut through or near approximately 206 miles of grizzly bear habitat in the lower 48 states, including in specific key recovery areas.

Wildlife don't understand what trains or train tracks are. All they know is that these are their lands to roam as they live life and pursue food, mating, and natural migration cycles.

It's our responsibility, as humans who are driving fast-paced machines through wild areas, to take action and keep endangered species and other wildlife safe. That's why killing federally protected animals is considered a violation of the Endangered Species Act.

Railroad companies, including BNSF, could take a wide variety of actions to reduce the risk of grizzlies and other animals dying on their tracks. So why isn't BNSF taking these steps?

BNSF broke federal law by killing grizzly bears, in grizzly bear territory, on its train tracks. Government agencies must hold BNSF accountable and demand the company implement proper measures to keep wildlife safe!
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