To the citizens of EARLE AR. As most know we have no animal control in the city of Earle. I am asking for your support to help me get the City to come together with me on getting these strays off the streets and into good homes. I currently been involved with some others around the midsouth in the rescue and placement efforts of these animals vs. the putting innocent animals down . This facility would be strictly a NO KILL facility. This facility would serve several needs in the community and to the city of EARLE. As everyone is aware that these animals continue to tear up garbage and in my case property.  We would also be educating about spay/neutering of your animals as well as the need for vaccinations. The population continues to grow because humans dont do the research when they get a pet. EDUCATION IS THE KEY!  PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION TO HELP THE ANIMALS AND THE CITIZENS OF EARLE!! 


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