Protecting Pets with the Canada Pet Protection Act

  • por: Danny Carvalho
  • destinatário: Canada Government, PM of Canada, NDP Party, PC Party

We are asking for support to make our Canada Pet Protection Act a reality by asking the Government to change laws to help protect our pets.

Our Canada Pet Protection Act Movement:

We ask the Canada Pet Protection Act outline the following and not limited to:

- The Act to Recognize Dogs and Cats
- Central Database and Member Board for Pets
- Pet Owners Required to Register in Database Themselves & Pets
- 5 Members on Board for Review, Recommendations etc.
- Min Sentence for Pet abuse 4 years
- Min Sentence for Killing a Pet 8 Years
- Lifetime Ban of Pet Ownership for Abuse/Neglect
- Mandatory Psychological Assessment and Treatment for Convictions
- Canada Wide No Kill Policy
- Ban Pet Store Sales of Pets
- Ban Classified Sales of Pets (unless breeder reg.)
- Pets to be only sold thru Breeders (licence/registration)
- Mandate Microchipping (max. $20)
- Mandate Spay/Neuter (max. $30)
- Mandate Canada Wide Pet Registration (max. $15)
- Regulate/Oversee Pet Insurance
- Cost Control and Justification of Pet Insurance
- Implement Pet Insurance Oversight
- Require Registration/Oversight of Fostering Pets
- Record Statistics in Detail of Pets

We the undersigned would like the acknowledgment that:

- Canadians spend over $6 Billion Annually on Pets
- Pet abuse is Increasing
- Pets abuse is common in person with serious criminal records
- Breeders should Register and be Licensed
- Pets should only be sold thru Breeders


- Require Breeders to Pay Annually $600.00
- Require Pet Owners to Pay Microchip (Max. $20)
- Require Pet Owners to Pay Spay/Neuter (Max. $30)
- Require Board of CPPA to consist of at least 1 Vet & 1 Animal Psychologist


- Over seeing Pet Insurance will Save Owners $250-$500 annually
- Mandating Breeder Registration will save owners $150-$600
- Act would save and protect THOUSANDS of Pets
- Lic/Fees in Act would generate $11 Billion Annually

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