Save the Carrboro Branch Library

The Orange County manager has recommended that Carrboro Branch Library be CLOSED, so that existing staff can be transferred to a new library in Hillsborough.  This is unfair to the people of Carrboro, who will be left without local library service, simply to cover budgetary mistakes made by the county commissoners!  Working together, we can save the library.  Remember: your tax dollars have gone towards the library; don't let Hillsborough steal them!
The Orange County manager has recommended that Carrboro Branch Library be CLOSED, so that existing staff can be transferred to a new library in Hillsborough.  This is unfair to the people of Carrboro, who will be left without local library service, simply to cover budgetary mistakes made by the county commissioners! Remember: your tax dollars have gone towards the library; don't let Hillsborough steal them! 

Aside from signing this petition, please take a moment to write a short email to the county commissioners asking them to not close the library.  Thank you -- with your help, we can save the library!  
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