Stop US Government from Deporting Decorated Disabled Vet!

  • por: Rebecca Em Campbell
  • destinatário: To Halt Unjust Deportation Proceedings Based on Manipulated Prejudice Against Muslims

Muhammed Zahid Chardhry, a decorated disabled US Army veteran of Pakistani descent, is about to be deported by the US government on spurious charges after being unjustly persecuted in many ways by the US government since 9/11 for being of the Muslim faith and possibly something more.  This may include his being rendered a paraplegic from an unremembered, unexplained military injury while deploying to go to Iraq some years ago.  A full account of all of this can be seen at

Please sign this petition to be given to accountable parties in the US government and the federal courts to ensure that there is both justice and well-deserved US citizenship for this man who has devotedly served our country since his arrival on our shores, both in and out of uniform.

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