Save The Harbor NC

Please HELP us keep Wilmington and surrounding counties ONLY state funded DETOX facility OPEN. 

The Harbor is Wilmington's ONLY state funded detox facility serving several counties surrounding New Hanover, and is scheduled to close on October 23, 2020 .  This facility is a MUST in our community, we are in the middle of an Opioid Crisis in New Hanover County.  Please help support our cause and sign our petition.

Please follow and like us on FB: Save Theharbor

We are making progress, THANKS to each and everyone of your signatures!!  Cheryl and Michele want to say Thank you to everyone here in North Carolina and around the world!  We hear you and appreciate you!

Please continue to SHARE and follow us on FB: Save Theharbor for all updates.  

Atualização #34 anos atrás
We at Save The Harbor, want to THANK each of YOU for your continued support!
We are ONLY 10 DAYS away from the date they will CLOSE 10.23.20.

Please like us on FB Save The Harbor Detox and SHARE We could not do this without each of you!

Thank you from Michele and Cheryl!
Atualização #24 anos atrás
Please follow and like us on FB: Save Theharbor
Please continue to SHARE and follow us on FB: Save Theharbor for all updates
Atualização #14 anos atrás

ou can also like us on FB: Save TheHabor
We want to make sure the substance abuser who lacks funding and insurance has a solid chance at recovery if desired. Detox is the first step and Harbor4changeNC hopes to be there for the second step.

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