Ban Cat Declawing in NJ!

Owners de-claw their cats to protect furniture or prevent scratching, but the procedure actually makes cats more likely to bite and have accidents in the house. The painful procedure, which is similar to removing the first knuckle of a human hand, can make walking painful for cats and rids them of their natural defense mechanism. De-clawed felines then bite to defend themselves and avoid their litter boxes because the gravely litter hurts their paws.

New Jersey could become the first state to ban cat declawing if legislators pass Bill A3899. Introduced by Assemblyman Troy Singleton, the bill would add declawing to the list of animal cruelty offenses. Vets performing the procedure would face a fine of up to $1,000 or six months in jail. Civilians who de-claw cats would face a civil penalty of $500 to $2,000.

It is time to end the impractical and cruel practice of cat de-clawing. Please sign the petition to urge New Jersey legislators to make their state the first to ban the procedure!

I am writing to encourage you to pass a new bill that would ban the practice of cat de-clawing in New Jersey.

Owners de-claw their cats to protect furniture or prevent scratching, but the procedure actually makes cats more likely to bite and have accidents in the house. The painful procedure, which is similar to removing the first knuckle of a human hand, can make walking painful for cats and rids them of their natural defense mechanism. De-clawed felines then bite to defend themselves and avoid their litter boxes because the gravely litter hurts their paws.

New Jersey could become the first state to ban cat declawing if legislators pass Bill A3899. Introduced by Assemblyman Troy Singleton, the bill would add declawing to the list of animal cruelty offenses. Vets performing the procedure would face a fine of up to $1,000 or six months in jail. Civilians who de-claw cats would face a civil penalty of $500 to $2,000.

It is time to end the impractical and cruel practice of cat de-clawing. I urge you to make your state the first to ban the procedure! Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.

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Atualização #18 anos atrás
This bill has cleared the Assembly! We're almost there. Please share this petition on Facebook:
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