Demand the Senate REJECT Kash Patel as Director of the FBI

Donald Trump has nominated known conspiracy theorist and MAGA extremist Kash Patel to lead the FBI. And if we care about America there's no way in hell we can let this happen. 

Kash Patel has spread dangerous lies about the integrity of our elections as well as QAnon conspiracy theories. He has made it clear that he will use the FBI to go after a list of political "enemies" that includes Bill Barr, Hillary Clinton, the current FBI director, and dozens of others, and has promised to "come after the people in the media who lied about American citizens, who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections."

Patel would be an absolute disaster as head of the FBI, and he would destroy the system of justice we've taken 200+ years to build. We need the Senate to vote NO on his confirmation and stop him from weaponizing the FBI against his "enemies."

Sign your name to Demand the Senate REJECT Kash Patel as Director of the FBI >>

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