This Pet Toy Company Tortures Animals

Since 1993, Marshall Pet Products has produced toys, food and other products for dogs, ferrets, rabbits, horses and other common household pets. The company also brags that they have bred "the world's friendliest ferrets" since 1939. But behind the cute and cuddly pictures of ferrets and dogs on their website lies a dark secret.

According to a recent exposé, the company is also the largest supplier of beagles, ferrets and other animals used for laboratory experiments.

So while Marshall Pet Products sells their wares to unsuspecting pet owners, their sister company Marshall Farms Ltd. - a.k.a. Marshall BioResources - is making millions shipping animals to laboratories for tests.

These animals will likely never experience the joy of running free through the grass, feeling the light of the sun or even being pet by a loving hand. Instead, they are forced to endure cruel and painful procedures. Some of them are put down after the tests are finished.

When learned that Marshall was supplying animals to laboratories, they pulled their products from their website. They realize that Marshall was playing their animal-loving customers for fools.

Now that has taken a stand, Care2 wants another online retailing giant to do the same. A search for "Marshall Pet Products" on returns more than 150 hits. When Amazon allows Marshall to sell their wares on their website they are also helping to line the pockets of a company that promotes and profits from the animal testing industry.

But now that Marshall Farms' secret is out will they continue to allow the company to use their platform?

Let's all come together and ask Amazon to follow in Overstocks' footsteps. Sign the petition and tell Amazon to stop selling Marshall Pet Products.
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