Save the 1830s Historic Garden of Athens

In 1831, the 4 acre block surrounded by W Broad, Pope, Reese, and Finley streets was a gemstone of Athens. For almost 30 years, it was a "Garden of Eden" for residents and students alike. Upon the sale of this property, the North Campus iron fence AND our beloved Arch were constructed.
Present day, this property is in grave danger. Several profit hungry developers have tried and failed to buy the whole block and cover its beauty with concrete and asphalt. The last attempt in late summer 2016 was by Whole Foods, but the plan fell through due to cost and environmental issues. 
This has been a common occurrence time and time again, so now instead of waiting for the big boys to erase this beautiful block from the map, we need your help to stand up for urban park space. 
Sign this petition to show your support and email Andrew Lundstrom if you are interested in committing recourses to this effort.

Atualização #18 anos atrás
Hello to all of you AWESOME supporters. I am blown away by the amount of you who have signed this without ANY press. Word of mouth is strong. I wanted to let you all know that I just uploaded the full VISION plan to our Facebook page:

Please check this out for more information, LIKE our FB page for updates, and SHARE SHARE SHARE!

God Bless all of you.

Andrew Lundstrom
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