Wild horses roaming the Virginia mountain range areas today are descended from mustangs who filled the blood soaked truck heading to slaughter that Velma Johnston, "Wild Horse Annie" followed on her way to work one day. Their pitiful plight began her crusade to save America's mustangs. Because local ranchers claimed them, mustangs in this part of Nevada were excluded from the Wild Horse Act. They fell under the Nevada Dept of Agriculture, labeled as "estrays". For decades they roamed the hills & desert surrounding Stagecoach, Nevada. Used in many Western movies, like The Misfits and the Bonanza series, these living icons of the Wild West and Nevada's frontier days are important tourist attractions. But Pico, a PRIVATE, multimillion dollar California Company, through its subsidiary, Vidler Water Co., will make a quick profit off the land these wild horses live on by making it possible to develop Stagecoach valley with 1400+ homes. Such a huge population increase in this rural valley endangers more than the horses. It will pollute the air and water and end many other desert creatures ability to thrive as well as the horses ability to roam free in the valley. There won't be stallions sparring or foals playing to the delight of residents and tourists passing through.
The Nevada Dept of Agriculture, pressured to remove the horses voted to turn all wild horses in the area over to an applicant nonprofit organization. In the past turning mustangs over to nonprofits or private organizations has not worked well for the BLM, ending with horses being abused, starved and secretly sold for slaughter.
The nonprofit may put the horses in a sanctuary or run them through the slaughter pipeline. Either way it's death to their spirit and the Freedom of the West. They won't be free, wild creatures but captured by fences that may keep them safe, but they won't be able to maintain their natural family bonds as they can when they have miles of open space. We will no longer witness living mementos of the Wild West in their natural state as we drive along in Nevada. These spirited symbols of our Frontier days & Freedom will just be another lost symbol of liberty! Please sign this petition to Nevada's Gov. Brian Sandoval so these beautiful wild mustangs can continue to be FREE ! And please forward it to, or share it with your friends. Thank you.
Atualização #56 anos atrás
A law suit has been filed against the removal of all the mustangs in the Virginia Range area. This at least gives us time to rally more support and the mares time to foal. Thank you for signing our petition.
Atualização #47 anos atrás
April 16 we will hear who applied to own our mustangs. Only an entity that will remove them & most likely sell them to slaughter could take ownership as no insurance co. will give liability coverage for horses roaming over 500 sq miles. They are historic tourist attractions now in danger of a horrific death in Mexico.
Call Governor Sandoval and NDA Director Barbie to tell them to stop this plan NOW!
Nv AG Director
Jim Barbee
Ph: (775) 353-3619
Governor Sandoval
Ph: (775) 684-5670
Atualização #37 anos atrás
We are making a difference. The Lyon County Commissioners who were in favor of this development are at least hearing that the people are not in favor of this development and want the horses to stay Nevada running wild in the Pine Nut mountain area.
Atualização #27 anos atrás
Fuzzy foals are beginning to appear in the Wild herds that frequent Stagecoach valley already and it isn't even Spring yet. Thank you for helping to keep land for them to grow on.
Atualização #17 anos atrás
Just found out that Verner Water Co, the developer of this huge development eating up the horses environs is is owned by Pico, a private multimillion dollar Real Estate holding company in California. They aren't interested in the horses future, only their profits!