For Tyrik T and those before him. 

Hartford, Connecticut has become a haven for criminals who continue to cause families unbearable pain. Everyone shouts, screams, "Black Lives matters" without taking the time to ask themselves, "To whom?" We cannot depend on our counterparts to value the lives of our families, neighbors and business owners. We must first put value on our own lives. Cops are not killing our young men, women or seniors citizens. White people are not randomly killing us either. Since 2022 started we've had over 10 deaths via gun violence. My son Tyrik was one of those victims. We march for racial equality, we march for victims of racism or hate crimes that happen thousands of miles away, but we are silent about the murdered victims right here in Hartford. Where are our politicians? Where are our pastors? These murdered victims deserve a voice. They deserve justice. 

In the case of the Dulos murder, cameras helped bring justice to the family of the murdered victim, because cameras captured stops made by Mr. Fotis. 

Although cameras were not the only factor in determining the case, they help answer questions related to the activities involving the driver of said vehicle, and the stops the driver made. I'm not asking for every street light to have cameras only where a glimpse of criminals existing or entering areas of certain streets. I am sure concerns of privacy might raise questions, but I ask you all to consider the safety of your neighborhoods, your friends, family and loved ones. We could have answers for the results in areas that murders took place. We won't know whether or not more cameras are of any help until we get this petition approved. Please sign this petition and show the world that we value the lives of the people in our communities and home.

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