Hey everyone my name is Jessica
And I am here to collect signatures of the public to help me get permission granted to open a pit bull rescue out here in the Bronx.
Here in the Bronx we are having a heavy epidemic of pit bulls being neglected,abused,and thrown in to shelters.
Pitbulls are being labeled as killers because of the bad reputation the wrong owners are making them have. Any dog can be dangerous if not properly raised breed doesn't matter. Pit bulls are being thrown into shelters because their owners face eviction do to landlords going against the breed. Do you know what happens to most of those pitbulls? They are killed because the shelters are over crowded also because they are pit bulls. Pit bulls are hard to get adopted out once they are out of puppy stage. The neglect and abuse of this beautiful breed needs to end. They feel as we do they can care as Much as we do. They are the most friendly dogs you can meet. They deserve a place where they can rest their heads and know they are safe. Sign my petition and help me make that happen. Help me make their safe haven happen. Thank you for reading hope to have all of you guys support
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