Tweetie Pie's death shall not be in vain

A small little chick was left in a school over weekend that needed medical attention, had lost it's one leg.  He died alone and a slow death.  All schools in America, the world should not have animals in classrooms if they are not attended to for their care or their welfare.   Problems can arise as did with Tweetie Pie and so why does an animal's life have to be of no concern, why must these chicks, tadpoles, bunnies, etc be left to their own in caged prison without someone to feed, monitor them and their existance.  This is not acceptable  Animals in classrooms should only be if someone will attend to them as on weekends and considered to have better conditions in order to be in the schools' keep.  These animals are a  llfe, their life is left in hands of man and to precious to be left unattended.  Man should be more apt to be responsibilie for these little lives.  What are we teaching our children ?  not to be responsibilie for the animals in a schools' care?  Let's think of the animal and how who will attend to it's needs and if it's welfare will be sound.

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