Enforce and Strengthen California's Proposition 12 to Ensure Farm Animal Welfare

    California's Proposition 12, enacted in 2018, sets minimum space requirements for confining certain farm animals, aiming to eliminate extreme confinement practices. Despite its full implementation as of January 1, 2024, enforcement challenges persist, leading to ongoing animal welfare concerns. Some producers continue to resist compliance, and recent legal challenges threaten to undermine the law's effectiveness.

    Offer a Solution:
    We urge California lawmakers and regulatory agencies to:

    Enhance Enforcement Mechanisms: Allocate additional resources to the California Department of Food and Agriculture to conduct regular inspections and ensure compliance with Prop 12 standards.

    Implement Stiffer Penalties: Introduce stricter penalties for non-compliance to deter violations and emphasize the importance of animal welfare.

    Support Transitioning Producers: Provide financial assistance and educational resources to help farmers transition to Prop 12-compliant housing systems, ensuring economic viability while upholding animal welfare standards.

    Public Transparency: Maintain a publicly accessible database of compliant and non-compliant producers to inform consumers and promote accountability within the industry.

    By signing this petition, you advocate for the diligent enforcement and strengthening of Proposition 12, ensuring that California remains a leader in the ethical treatment of farm animals.

    Sign today to protect farm animals and uphold California's commitment to animal welfare
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