Raise Buffaloes, Do NOT Race Them Please

  • por: Vashi Chandi
  • destinatário: Buffaloe Races Participants, Organizers and Sponsors

Beating buffaloes with nail spiked rods so they can run faster? How can this or even any other practice ever be considered as a festival? as a competition?

This is extreme cruelty, we earnestly appeal for compassion to be practiced and any such races or form of buffaloes abuse to be completely banned please.

(Quote - Blood gushes down the rump of buffalo after buffalo, as the exhausted animals pass the finish line and are met with a wall of yelling men, screaming at the buffalo to stop. Deep wounds of ripped flesh, caused each time the jockey’s “magic stick” leave open wounds that run with blood, as shown in the photographs.



And it appears the permission has been granted for the races to continue?



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dONBrP_pv7s http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-doubts-reign-as-to-whether-annual-buffalo-race-in-kambala-amounts-to-animal-cruelty-2041826


Screen Shot 2014-06-12 at 7.29.06 pm 3

Jockey using his

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