• Sign the petition below in order to have the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Bedford Union Armory withdrawn and revised.
  • The Armory presents a great opportunity for Brooklyn to establish a world-class model meeting its community's needs through an inclusive and creative process that brings toghther public and private resources to develop a public space.
  • We demand the community have a voice in the Bedford Union Armory RFP in order to include a comprehensive request for the public use and maintenance of the Bedford Union Armory as a space devoted to the public's benefit.
  • We,the undersigned, call upon the Borough President and EDC to withdraw the Request For Proposal for the Bedford Union Armory

Atualização #110 anos atrás
Thank you for signing the "Stop the Bedford Union Armory Petition. Please encourage family, friends and neighbors to come to the website and sign this petition. We are still collecting signatures and getting closer to our goal. We need more...
Thank you for your community support.
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