360 dogs may die - thanks Hollywood!

Due to Hollywood wanting to film in Dubrovnik, all stray dog were removed from the streets, under instructions from the local Mayor, they were to be taken to kill shelters. In particular Network for Animals got involved and updated us that they found refuge at the Zarcovica Animal Shelter, on a mountain outside Dubrovnik in Croatia, where they are cared for by Sandra Sambrailo, a woman many people call the “Saint of the Mountain.” Now it’s crunch time for the dogs.

Network for Animals has thrown its support behind mayoral candidate Mato Frankovic, who has promised to build a municipal animal shelter if he wins. Mato won the first round of elections but faces a tough battle on June 6. If Mato loses, the dogs face disaster and death.

Sandra Sambrailo told Network for Animals with tears in her eyes that after 14 years of living alone on a mountainside that is freezing cold and wet in winter and baking hot in summer, she does not know how much longer she can continue.

Zarcovica has no sanitation, running water or electricity. The dogs need food, medical care and love. Network for Animals is helping and have paid for vaccinations, shelters and medical care. But new dogs arrive all the time. We have to do more because the street dogs of Dubrovnik have no other hope.

I find this whole situation shocking, especially as Leonardo Dicaprio, the director of the film, is clearly an animal lover, who has a foundation set up for wildlife. Before filming his management had been contacted and gave, purely in my opinion, a half hearted offer of a tiny bit of help, that I believe is far too little.

Therefore I am starting this petition to state that these dogs should not die or be killed just for what? a movie and I want to make everyone aware that this situation is still going on.

If you would like to get the full story or donate, please visit Network for Animals website or click the link below, they need your help!


Atualização #27 anos atrás
Latest update from Network for Animals:-
Mato Francovic has become the new mayor, he is good man who has pledged to create a state-of-the-art dog shelter so the city’s street dogs will no longer face death. As one of his first acts as mayor, Mato sent dog food to Zarcovica so the dogs would not go hungry. Unfortunately he has to find land, get planning permission etc, its believed a shelter wont be ready until Christmas.
This is great news but the dogs now face a sweltering summer with no shade.
Atualização #17 anos atrás
I believe filming is all done, it was for the new Robin Hood movie. This almost makes it worse, they came and went knowing the dogs were in trouble. Lets hope Leo & co hear of this. Thanks everyone for your support.
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