Remove the Heavy Equipment from Mauna Kea Summit

  • por: Geoffrey Shaw
  • destinatário: TMT corp. and Goodfellow Bros.

Promises have been made that construction at the TMT site on Mauna Kea is not imminent but the heavy equipment remains there. The people who are proposing the TMT claim they have the best interests of Mauna Kea at heart, they respect the Hawaiian Culture, and they approach their mission with integrity yet these machines are still there to demonstrate that none of this is true. The machinery is degrading in a harsh environment, their presence in the summit region while no construction is happening shows a lack of respect for both the local opposition and proper maintenance procedures. For the sake of the Mauna and to show a degree of integrity please remove these idle machines as soon as possible

Mauna Kea is important to many people but it's environment is fragile and harsh so it is not the appropriate place to do maintenance on heavy equipment.

Atualização #29 anos atrás
I can't believe I have to say this but the State Supreme Court decision has been made, they said the permit is invalid, but the state still insists that the heavy equipment can remain. This is beyond ridiculous, please support this effort to have the machines removed, I will forward all the signatures on Monday, December 7 to all involved parties. Mahalo to everyone who has been a part of this battle, large and small, from the inception.
Atualização #19 anos atrás
The State Supreme Court decision about TMT has not occurred yet and winter is setting in so there is no need for Goodfellow Bros. and TMT to consider starting construction. Show respect for the Mauna and the Hawaiian people by removing all machinery. Please Share NO MORE DESECRATION
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