Animal Abuse

Animal abuse is a serious issue! It is terrible what animal abusers do to them. They beat them, kick them, cut them, even sometims rape the poor creatures. It is a issue that must be dealt with.

Those people are cruel and mean. How dare they Beat a poor old Labrador?! Or kick a innocent little kitten?! They are sick and the must be held accountable for their sick and terrible actions.

Police need to be looking for animal abusers. Animals should not just be sold. They seller needs to also make sure they are in a safe, and loving family that would never even dream of hurting a animal.

If you agree with me on this then please sign my pettion. This is a serious issue that must be stopped at all cost. And hopefully if enough of you sign this then we can open more peoples eyes to this and help the animals be safe from animal abuse. Togther we may be able to make a difference.
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