Give the underwool back to the Tibeten Antelope, they feel cold!

  • por: Huang Tiantian
  • destinatário: volunteers of protecting Tibetan antelope

 Tibetan antelope are listed as endangered by the World Conservation Union and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and it was listed as endangered specie in IUCN in 2003 .

 People can only take 125 ~ 150 g. under wool from each Tibetan antelope . To provide a 2 meters long, 1 meter wide, weighs 100 grams of "shahtoosh" need to be 3 Tibetan antelope life expense.

 Tibetan antelope is a typical representative of the fauna of the qinghai-tibet plateau, has the very high scientific value.

Acctully I don't know much about them before my endangered project, I Chinese, I am sorry about what we have done to them before. But Tibet is a large place ,we need your help!

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