Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Other Social Media: Ban Pro-Hunting Posts and Photos!

Hello 👋,
People use social media to connect with family and friends, share what they are doing, where they are, what they are eating and drinking, selfies, start fundraisers and promote campaigns. People also use social media for support and advice for everything from mental health, physical health, COVID-19 support, creative writing advice, parental advice, art advice, selling things and helping others.
Unfortunately, some people also social media for less wholesome things; sharing photos and promoting hunting. Every year, hunters kill millions of animals. Some animals don't die outright when shot by hunters and aren't found by the hunter. These animals can die suffering, due to infection, predation or starvation. Some animals are also females with dependent young. Although there are laws in place to protect animals during breeding seasons, some hunters kill them illegally, and there may be animals who aren't protected even during breeding season (animals who are classed as "pests"*.)
Hunting these days is mostly unnecessary. We don't need to do it. The minority of people who hunt these days do so for "sport", for "fun", as a lifestyle choice, to control populations and to provide meat (there are alternative ways to feed people good food, and there are alternative ways to control populations).
Hunters go on social media to post sick photos of themselves smiling next to their poor victims, the animals whom they have unjustly killed. This upsets people and creates uproar. This leads to the hunters getting abuse and death threats. There is a way to help stop the death threats and send a message to help stop hunting; ban all pro-hunting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and other social media!
We call on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and other social media platforms to implement new policies banning all pro-hunting content. Please take a stand against this animal cruelty!
Thank you 😊.

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