Lack of education cause of poverty


    The second root cause of poverty is a lack of education. Poverty is a cycle and without education, people aren't able to better their situations.
    A large number of children in poverty faces many obstacles about quality education.
    The effects of poverty on children are wide-reaching and can lead to lifelong struggles, especially when young people don’t receive full education.
    Education also makes a significant difference for adults, particularly when it applies to day-to-day life, including nutrition, healthcare and gender equity. When adults learn, they become role models to their children, who also wish to learn.
    the effects of lack of resources in schools
    The psychological impact of learning in a resource-poor environment cannot be underestimated. Students often experience stress, frustration, and feelings of inadequacy when they are unable to keep up with their peers due to lack of access to necessary learning materials or support services.


    By supporting a free tuition fee supporting a project based learning and improving student learning reforming curriculum encourages the students to avoid bullying at a young age.
    Education is a key to a better future and education promotes economic growth
    They also should reform the teacher certification, hiring, distribution and promotion of teachers.
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