It is time to stand up and speak out in favor of protecting animals across our great nation. I continue to work state by state until we can help all these defenseless creatures nationwide. Pennsylvania has laws against sex offenders and child abusers in public registries; yet there is nothing in place to protect animals against abuse and cruelty. Attempts have been made for an animal abuse registry for years but the issue has met with opposition. Read
A house bill 265 was initiated by Representative Carroll in the hopes of registering convicted animal abusers on a database, ensuring that such information would be shared with animal shelters, humane societies, and schools within a half-mile of their home about their past infractions. Allegedly the bill is currently sitting in the Judiciary Committee and has not taken any traction.
The effort in this petition is to encourage the state legislators to move forward with an animal cruelty registry, a crucial step in protecting the defenseless and voiceless. The proposed animal abuse registry should be similar in stature to that of other databases for child abusers and sex offenders with serious, lifetime implications. Any person convicted of animal abuse, cruelty or abandonment of any sort needs to be listed on this registry. To be accurate, the abuser’s information needs to be updated on a regular basis. Furthermore, any person listed on this database should remain there for a lifetime, being banned from any future animal ownership, working with or caring for them as a means of protecting future defenseless lives. You can help in my efforts in Pennsylvania by signing and sharing this petition, making your voice heard for those who cannot speak in their own defense.
Pennsylvania State Legislators - It is highly recommended that you have made attempts with bill 265 to create an animal abuse registry but hope you will reconsider sitting on it and taking immediate steps to move forward. I encourage you to implement and strictly enforce an animal abuse registry that is similar in stature to that of other databases for child abusers and sex offenders with serious, lifetime implications. Any person convicted of animal abuse, cruelty or abandonment of any sort needs to be listed on this registry. To be accurate, the abuser’s information needs to be updated on a regular basis. Furthermore, any person listed on this database should remain there for a lifetime, being banned from any future animal ownership, working with or caring for them as a means of protecting future defenseless lives.
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