Save the Dolphins

  • por: truear
  • destinatário: stop animal cruelty

Dolphins have been interacting with humans for as long as we have known of their existence.

During this time, their more ferocious predator and the only one that have dramatically reduced the dolphin population is the human. 

Why are they Killing the Whales and Dolphins?

Whale and Dolphin hunting has been the tradition of the inhabitants of Faroe Islands (located in Denmark) since the 10th century. And most of the descendants of the medieval whalers have passed this tradition from Generations to Generations. For the record, there are 17 villages in the Island that have these kind of scenario every year which are authorized to conduct such massacre. After killing the whales in methods so gruesome, the villages part take the meat of their hunt and distribute them among the inhabitants. And because sometimes meat are abundant, some carcasses of the killed whales and dolphins are laid to waste and rot over the shores. The inhabitants use the whale meat for food because it is one of their staple diet. But recently, a law was passed in the area stating that whale meat consumption must only be once every two weeks because of high levels of mercury, insecticides and other poisons contained in it.

This Tradition has met worldwide outrage and criticism that even Greenpeace Activists tried to stop this from ever occurring again. But the islanders insist that the outsiders doesn’t know the implication of this tradition to their identity and culture as Faroe islanders. Activists however argued that during the medieval times, Faroe islanders have shortage of food compare to this time of ours that food is abundant already in the Island and that using tradition as an excuse for the slaughter of these gentle animals is truly unacceptable. If they were sharks, I don’t think they stand a chance in staging such massacre. I am reminded by this of primitive Mexico prior to the apparition of the Virgin in Guadalupe, wherein people are sacrificed on the altar and their hearts taken from their bodies as a “traditional” sacrifice to the serpent god. The only difference between Mexico and Faroe Island is the time and era. But practically they have the same kind of barbarism in their blood.

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