Stop The Import of 2 African Elephants Destined for Pakistan

  • por: A Sleem
  • destinatário: Zartaj Gul Wazir Minister of State for Climate Change Pakistan

Heartbreaking events are unfolding on the recent tragic fate of more than 30 baby elephants torn from the wild in Zimbabwe that have been ripped from their families and flown to China. Where they will suffer a lifetime in captivity.

Zimbabwe's rush was to export these baby elephants blatantly defying a recent ban on trading of wild elephants which would have taken into effect on November 26, 2019.

It doesn't end there 2 of these elephants are destined to go to Pakistan to Lahore zoo or Peshawar Zoo. Though news broke that the Punjab Wildlife Department announced cancelling the tender for importing an elephant .

We have reason to believe that there are loopholes in the system to get around this and its very possible that the baby elephants that were recently transported to China 2 of them were destined for Pakistan.

Here are the reasons why no more elephants should be imported

  • Pakistan is ground zero for global warming and are currently tackling Climate Change
  • Pakistan is not equipped to house elephants
  • 2006 DEAD Anarkali kept in Karachi zoo her life was full of suffering chained by 3 legs 20 hours a day in solitary confinement her mahouts forced her to give rides & collect tips
  • 2014 DEAD Saheli kept in Islamabad zoo died , kept in chains & her mahouts exploited her to paying visitors she was made to provide rides 
  • 2017 DEAD Suzi in Lahore Zoo kept in a small enclosure kept in isolation she was a beggar elephant for her mahouts she gave rides and constantly chained

Presently 2021 there are 4 elephants in Pakistan who are kept in cruel conditions

  • Noor Jehan, Madhubala - Karachi Zoo chained and suffering
  • Malika, Sonu - Safari Park chained and suffering

Please sign this petition asking the Ministry of Climate change to stop any import for more elephants to Pakistan. The world is changing and zoo's are phasing out elephant exhibits recognizing that elephants can never be properly housed in captivity even in the best conditions they suffer.

Do not allow anymore elephants to suffer in the incompetent hands of mahouts whose barbaric tactics are not only archaic, but continue to cause the suffering of these sentiment beings and eventually an early death.

Atualização #35 anos atrás

Zimbabwe last month exported 30 wild-caught baby elephants to amusement parks and zoos in China. Activists fear 2 of them may now be gifted to Pakistan.

Please continue to sign and share petition
Atualização #25 anos atrás
‪No Elephants or any New Animals should be brought to Lahore zoo Measures taken to Protect Animals at #LahoreZoo effects of smog #ClimateChange‬
Atualização #15 anos atrás
The environment ministry has confirmed that there is no longer any application under consideration to export elephants to Pakistan.

Though this was publish there are concerns that elephants could be gifted to Pakistan by China or UAE
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