Bring Justice To Pedals! Send his murderer to jail!
Bring Justice to Pedals! Pedals was a bear in New Jersey that was severely injured. His front paw was missing, and the other one was just dangling uselessly. It is said that he was legally killed, but he was an innocent bear and did not deserve to die. Pedals was something special, and we all know it! Please sign to help bring Pedals' murderer to jail!
Bring Justice to Pedals! Pedals was a bear in New Jersey that stood on his hind legs because he was severely injured. His front paw was missing, and the other one was just dangling uselessly. It is said that he was legally killed, but he was an innocent bear and did not deserve to die. Pedals was something special, and we all know it! Please sign to help bring Pedals' murderer to jail!
Atualização #17 anos atrás
Thank you everyone for all the signatures! Please keep sharing so that we can bring justice to Pedals!
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