Worldwide Petition to stop animal testing by cosmetic companies

  • por: Kelly Copeland
  • destinatário: Kelly Copeland, Procter and Gamble, L'OREAL (and it's fellow companies), MAX, Worldwide Petition to stop cosmetic animal testing
A non-violent worldwide petition from consumers to companies who continue to conduct animal testing, requesting the cessation of such testing and enforcing a boycott on all products until it is legally proven that all animal testing has ended.
A dog sits waits restrained in a laboratory. In the next few minutes, this dog will be force fed or exposed to a poisonous chemical. No anaesthetic is used, as scientists believe this will interfere with the accuracy of test results. This is not a test for curing cancer. This dog is being tested for a brand new hair dye. Another dog (or rabbit) will be tested in the same way for mascara, another for shampoo. This test is called LETHAL DOSE 50 ( or LD 50). It is so named because 50% of animals are killed, and the other 50% put down. L'Oreal, Maybelline, Max Factor, Oil of Olay,Pantene, Cover Girl. The list of those who continue to conduct animal tests is far, far too long. It is vital that we as consumers, voice our outrage at these companies' lack of concern for our wishes. There is a perception that animal tests are necessary to confirm human safety. This is absolutely false. New test methods, involving human cell cultures and computer models (to name but two) are already in use by many companies and have been scientifically proven to be far more reliable. Many major companies no longer test on animals. These include Estee Lauder, Clinique, Clarins and Chanel. Test results in different breeds of the same species often produce totally different test results. So why do certain companies still test on animals? Because they are not liable for the deaths , and are able to test toxic chemicals without legal repercussions. But this can be stopped, with public support. AVON cosmetics recently stopped their animal testing, due to public campaigns like this one. This is a non-violent worldwide petition from consumers to companies. It will be sent with scientific data and letters from experts in the field on non-animal testing,and with test method information from companies who do not test on animals. Please lend your support, and let these companies know that you choose not to buy their products, until it has been legally proven (with the signing of an official statement) that they have complied with the people's wishes. Please email Kelly at: with any questions, or suggestions for publicity in your country. Thankyou so much for caring.
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