Protest against defamation of Hindu's God - Goddess

Kind attention:-
Hon'ble Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India, New Delhi.
It is humbly submitted that:
- I belongs to Hindu community and came to know that Lost Coast Brewery & Cafe using Lord Ganesha image on their product -Indica India Pale Ale beer indica india pale ale, which is objectionable because it hurt our feeling, sentiments and believes of all devotees of Lord Ganesha.
- Lord Ganesha image on Ganesh beedi.
- Goddess Lakshmi image on meat burger king.
- Kindly treat it as a public interest litigation.
-Direction may kindly be issued to the Indian Ambassador in US to take up this matter with the manufacturers and to ensure zero stock of this alleged beer bottles with Lord Ganesha image in market / with distributors of the company. same for burger king as well.
- Directions for the Commissioner of Delhi Police for FIR in this matter as per law of the land.
Naresh Kadyan with Sahil Grewal,
C-38, Rose Apartment, Prashant Vihar,
Rohini, DELHI - 110085.
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